Areas Where CoolSculpting Works Better Than Lipo

Skin Tightening

Areas Where CoolSculpting Works Better Than Lipo

Published on 3:10 am, Mon, 15 April 19

Liposuction, with its associated risks and downtime, may be worthwhile for women and men who wish to extract large volumes of fat from multiple areas of the body.

But for patients that have localized fat deposits and prefer a non-surgical approach to fat removal, CoolSculpting is a much safer and effective option. This is especially true for the upper inner thigh, bra line, underarms, banana roll, and chin.

Continue reading to learn all about the areas where CoolSculpting works better than lipo.

5 Areas Where CoolSculpting Works Better Than Lipo

1. Upper, Inner Thigh

The upper, inner thigh is a common site of diet and exercise resistant fat. And although the bulge is often small, it is enough to be bothersome and cause uncomfortable chafing.

Fortunately, the CoolMini applicator is ideal for treating this part of the body. CoolSculpting also offers a more gradual and gentle method of fat removal, which helps avoid exacerbating any skin laxity.

2. Bra Line

Despite trying numerous bra styles and exercise techniques, many women have been unable to win their battle with bra fat. This is definitely one of the areas where CoolSculpting works better than lipo.

3. Under the Buttocks

Fat under the buttocks is often referred to as a banana roll. It can be especially persistent and is a frequently-requested treatment area.

However, it’s important to be very careful when removing fat from this part of the body. More invasive methods like liposuction, can extract too much fat and disrupt connective tissue, leading to a droopy backside.

On the other hand, CoolSculpting is designed to seamlessly fit the natural contours under the buttocks and eliminate fat, without resulting in loose skin.

4. Underarms

Other areas where CoolSculpting works better than lipo are underarms. The treatment is especially well-suited for the amount and shape of axillary fat, which can puff out and prevent women from wearing sleeveless tops and dresses.

5. Chin

In 2015, CoolSculpting earned FDA-approval for the treatment of a double chin. While liposuction requires incisions, anesthesia, and recovery to address submental fat, CoolSculpting can reduce this bulge in 45 minutes and doesn’t involve any cutting or downtime.

How to Get Started with CoolSculpting

If you are considering CoolSculpting, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with one of highly skilled and talented providers.

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