Laser Hair Removal Cost in McLean


Laser Hair Removal Cost in McLean

Published on 9:45 pm, Thu, 21 March 19

Laser Hair Removal Cost McLean

Do you dream of silky legs or a bump-free bikini line? How about freedom from razor burn on your neck?

Laser hair removal zaps-away unwanted hair in a matter of minutes and can help you achieve healthier, smoother skin. And, unlike waxing or shaving, LHR results are extremely long-lasting.

While these benefits are undoubtedly appealing, you may be wondering, “How much does Laser Hair Removal cost in McLean?”

Here’s what you need to know about the treatment, and how it can save you money and time for years to come.

About Laser Hair Removal in McLean

Laser hair removal is a safe, effective, and FDA-approved way to permanently eliminate hair on the face and body. During the procedure, gentle light beams are used to destroy hair follicles under the skin.

But, only follicles in the anagen phase, which is an active growth phase, are susceptible to the laser’s energy. For this reason, a series of 6 treatments, spaced 6-8 weeks apart, is recommended for optimal reduction.

Who’s a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is an excellent option for anyone that experiences adverse effects from shaving and waxing, such as folliculitis, ingrown hairs, or hyperpigmentation.

It’s also a convenient and long-lasting solution for women and men that want smooth and silky skin year-round.

What’s more, the treatment can be applied to all skin types and tones. Because it is melanin-focused, LHR works best on hair that is black or brown.

How Much Does LHR Cost in McLean?

You may be considering laser hair removal, but are concerned about the price of treatment. However, LHR cost in McLean is often much more affordable than other hair removal options, like shaving and waxing, and will actually save you money in the long-run.

LHR is typically priced per area of the face or the body:

  • Smaller areas like the lip, chin, neck or sideburns can cost between $50-$100 per treatment
  • Medium-sized areas like the underarms, bikini, and shoulders can range from $100-$150 per session
  • Larger areas like the legs, arms, back, and chest can cost between $150-$400 per treatment

Additionally, package options can help reduce LHR cost in McLean.

How to Get Started with LHR in McLean

If you are interested in laser hair removal, please call Lumiere Skin and Laser today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with one of our highly skilled and experienced laser specialists.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Appointment Today !!