Laser Hair Removal for Men


Laser Hair Removal for Men

Published on 8:19 pm, Sat, 31 August 19

Like many guys, you may detest shaving on a regular basis, but feel as though you don’t have much choice in the matter.

Fortunately, laser hair removal for men offers a safe, quick, and convenient way to thin or eliminate unwanted facial and body hair. Results are long-lasting, making the treatment an extremely attractive alternative to waxing, shaving, and trimming.

If you are ready to get rid of excess hair once and for all, continue reading for everything you need to know about laser hair removal for men.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal is a completely noninvasive treatment that targets unwanted hair growth with light-based energy.

This energy is attracted to pigment in hair follicles and works to heat and irreversibly damage the follicle.

Laser Hair Removal for Men – What’s the Pain Like?

There’s one reason that many patients are hesitant to undergo laser hair removal for men – pain. If this is you, there’s good news.

Cutting-edge technology has made LHR virtually painless by delivering laser energy in smaller chunks and at faster speeds. Newer devices also feature a cool-tip that prevents the skin from overheating and enhances patient comfort.

How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Take?

To achieve optimal hair reduction, most patients can expect to undergo six-to-eight treatments, scheduled six-to-eight weeks apart.

Upon completion of the series, laser hair removal for men can produce up to an 80-90 percent decrease in growth.

LHR Pre- and Post-Treatment Instructions

The day before your first treatment, it is important to shave the area clean. This improves the laser’s ability to focus on hair follicles beneath the skin.

And because LHR acts on follicles, patients should forgo waxing for four weeks prior to their appointment. Sun exposure and tanning must also be avoided in the weeks before and after laser hair removal.

Get Started with Laser Hair Removal for Men

If you are interested in laser hair removal for men, please call our office today to schedule a consultation with one of our highly skilled and experienced laser specialists.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Appointment Today !!